Ugh, exams... exams and rain. Actually, I don't mind the rain in the slightest - the cool change is lovely, and water on the road tends to muffle the traffic roar to which I've become accustomed. Physiology and Micro midterms done (and they weren't so bad, either); Bichem's on Thursday and Molcular Bio isn't for two weeks, so I'm not too worried.
Worse is my book pile - it teeters at my bedside, threatening to crush me in my sleep. I've not read any more Dawkins, and that's on top of about five half-done novels, two new ones I impulse-bought today (Nick Hornby and Johnathan Safran Foer) and recursively, a book about reading (the auther is just as negligent as me, I'm afraid, so it's not helping in the least). Not to mention the inch of science magazines. Bring on Easter break!
Speaking of Easter, this is me reminding myself: post the awesome recipe for lemon tarts. Hey, it's sort of scientific, cooking is half chemistry, half physics after all. Citric acid and sucrose do nice things to the tongue! And then there's eggs denaturing in the oven... maybe I should turn this into a blog for kitchen chemists.
Only Physics Computes
2 years ago