Thursday, 25 February 2010

Hurrah, hurrah...

...another year begins. So much for posting all about my CSIRO job! My research turned out to be a little disappointing - not the project itself but my mediocre results. Nonetheless, I learned more than I ever wanted to know about wheat growth, got to mess around with chemicals, and go to Canberra and hear about lots of other interesting projects, so not to worry. Also I did a little bit of stats work in R, which I've never used before, so that was educational (if a bit painful).

In non-science news, moving house is finally sort-of complete. The new place is much bigger & we now have a dedicated office/study room, so hopefully that yields some more productive studying (hah). Also, I've got lots of balcony space for plants, so I can continue my experiments on the topic: Do my plants die because I neglect them, or is Brisbane weather just too ridiculous for gardening?

New units for 2010/1:
  • Functional Biochemistry - need to brush up on some organic chem, unfortunately :(
  • Biomedical Research Technologies - includes a welcome stats refresher
  • Genetic Research Technologies - arghh, problem-solving workshops again
  • Plant Genetic Manipulation - apparently we get to make some transgenic tobacco?